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Mike and Sarah

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Off to the UK . . .

Richard you must be proud of us . . . Joe's really into football! So much so, he runs into the middle of matches and nicks the ball!

Life has been busy with Mike working in Colombo developing engineering & reporting procedures & resolving design issues. This has kept us away from home a fair bit.

We've managed to fit in a couple of weekends away, including a trip to Sarah's University friend Rosie, in Kurunegalla.

Rosie is working in an orphanage. The kids loved meeting Joe - even though he kept nicking their football!

Trudi joined in with the action with great gusto.

We're off to the UK at the end of this week to meet a new nephew and niece and to attend our friends Rick and Henrietta's wedding, all of which will be fantastic.

We made it to Sigirilla, a 1500 year old palace/ city on top of a huge rock in the north.

If you think we're ignoring you, we've had some problems with Mike's work email address being wrong for a while and our hotmail account being selective in who it communicates with. So please try again on both of our email addresses if you've not had a reply.

Sarah on the town with her girlfriends, below - well really she's on a tour of temples, but we can pretend!